Chiropractic Adjustments Free Your life force:
Life or "life force" is the essence of what sustains us, from the moment of conception until our last breath. it is this life force that creates, recreates, adapts and allows for well being and healing within us.
Information Highway
Within us we have an "inner net" consisting of our brain, spinal cord, nerve system and a dazzling array of neurotransmitters. This inner net is our link between the inner and outer world. It is by far the most efficient, specialized, sophisticated, complex and delicate biological information highway known to humanity. It is the pathway used for the transfer of vital information essential for all human functions.
Enhanced Life Expression
Free flow of information within the inner net is essential for life. Improved communication results in greater life expression, naturally leading to improved health, vitality, emotional stability, performance, creativity, and spiritual reconnection.
As part of daily living our bodies are exposed to physical, emotional, and chemical stresses. When we are unable to adapt to them, tension, torsion, or misalignment of the structures of the spinal column occur. This causes interference to the delicate communication between our inner net and our body systems and is called "subluxation".
Stored Potential
Subluxations are areas of stored or potential energy. Chiropractic adjustments release subluxations and free your life force allowing maximum life expression. This is true for everyone (including you!) from a newborn infant or a pregnant woman to an athlete or a grandparent. It is true whether you feel healthy or ill. You may experience transformation in many areas of your life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. At some level everyone benefits from being free of subluxations.